
About the Steen-Frost Family Web Site

This site, an archive of genealogical information, documents, photos and other records associated with members of the Steen-Frost extended families, is a composite of web sites created through several different means:

Although most of this website is password protected, certain material in each section is publicly available. Data have been gathered from many sources, primarily letters, documents, and photos provided by family members. Although some data have been identified or verified through official sources such as census records, the majority of information is derived from family sources. For this reason the site inevitably contains errors and inconsistencies. (Some of the latter have been noted in [square brackets].) Additions, corrections and correspondence are welcome by email to Lynn A. Steen or Mary E. Steen.


This website is intended only for family members and others engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is expressly prohibited. Additions, corrections and correspondence are welcome by email to Lynn A. Steen or Mary E. Steen. Last updated: 1 Dec 2011.